Dr Mahalakshmi Sivaraman is the founder of MedPro Consulting, which has created healthcare-based apps like, Vaccine Schedule Reminder, and, Pregnancy Visits Reminder app.
She was the recipient of, Dr.Kesavalu Educational Trust Gold Medal, for the Best Outgoing Student, for her academic excellence in Preventive Medicine at Sri Ramachandra University.
She has rendered many talks in her academic career and has presented her research papers in medical conferences. As a preventive physician, her ambition is to spread awareness about various health aspects among the public, as it is the first step towards a healthy future.
For any queries, send email to [email protected]
Address: MedPro Clinic, No 638, Ramaswamy Salai, K.K.Nagar, Chennai 600078
Mobile (WhatsApp): 6383834330
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